• I Earned It LLC

    Why We’re Likely to Fail at Our New Year’s Resolutions

    9 Reasons Why Our New Year’s Resolutions Fail and How to Fix Them Last Friday, January 13, marked Quitter’s Day. Quitter’s Day is the unofficial holiday when most people drop their New Year’s Resolutions, which occurs on the second Friday of January. So, why do so many people give up on New Year’s Resolutions, and how can you be part of the 9% that achieves their resolutions? Here are nine common reasons for abandoning a New Year’s Resolution: 1. Lost motivation According to Insideoutmastery.com, “35% of people attribute losing motivation as the top reason for giving up.”  To combat loss of motivation, try incentivizing working towards your goals with rewards.…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    5 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

    How to keep up with your New Year’s Resolution when you want to give up Keeping your New Year’s Resolution can be quite the feat. It can be easy to lose your motivation, especially when life gets busy. But, according to Discover Happy Habits, 75% of people are still successful at keeping their New Year’s Resolution after one week. Lucky for you, we have tips for staying in that 75% and going beyond the second week of January. 1. Schedule it Prioritize your New Year’s Resolution by penciling it in on your calendar. After all, the best way to find the time to do something is to make the time…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions and How to Achieve Them

    2023 is here! And with every new year comes a barrage of new goals to achieve. While picking your resolution, you might wonder what everyone else is doing and how they plan to achieve their New Year’s Resolution. You’re in luck; a survey conducted by Statista reveals the top five New Year’s Resolutions of 2023: And we’ll reveal how to achieve your New Year’s Resolution, no matter the goal. 1. Plan it out We all know creating plans can help keep us on track, but often we throw planning out the window, believing we can achieve our goals on our own. However, planning is a great way to evaluate how…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    The Ultimate New Year’s Resolution Cheat Sheet

    How to Pick a New Year’s Resolution and Stick to It Every year, we set New Year’s Resolutions. Still, by the middle of February, we’d entirely forgotten about them or given up on them. Even with the most important goal to start exercising more, stop smoking, learn a new skill or spend more time with family and friends, it can be challenging to stick to your goal. Luckily, we have a few tips for choosing a New Year’s Resolution and actually sticking to it: 1. Limit Your Amount of Resolutions While it’s ideal for getting your entire life in order at once, it’s easier said than done. According to Discover…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    Four Ways to Give Back During the Holidays

    How to Help Those in Need This Holiday Season  Arguably one of the best parts of the holiday season is the joy of giving. However, sometimes it can feel overwhelming to find ways to give back during the holidays. Luckily, we have four ways to give back during the holidays! 1. Donate Donation is one of the easiest and most passive ways to help people in need. Plus, donations come in all shapes and sizes. Most people think of money when it comes to donating, but there are plenty of other things you can contribute.  According to Save the Children, donating to charity can improve self-esteem and self-worth, increase positive…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    Five Family Bonding Ideas for the Holidays

    Ideas for spending more time as a family when the holidays get busy The holidays can be hectic, whether you are hosting family, getting treats for the kids’ holiday parties or shopping for gifts. Yet, all the chaos can feel isolating, even when surrounded by family. So here are five ways to take a break and connect with the fam.  1. Cooking The holidays call for plenty of cooking, so why not take advantage of this and cook as a family? Nothing brings people together quite like food, and who can think of a better way to bond than creating and enjoying a family recipe? Purdue University Nutrition Education Program…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    Three Social Skills Every Child Should Have

    Tips for Helping Your Children Improve Their Social Skills We always want the best for our children, and with back-to-school season readily approaching, we can be apprehensive about our children’s social skills and making friends. While we can’t wave a wand and make our children have excellent social skills and be the most popular kid on the playground, we can help them practice their social skills.  A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation suggests that kindergartners who do well with sharing, cooperating, and helping others are more likely to become successful adults with higher education and well-paying jobs than children who struggle with social skills. So, to set our…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    Four Tips for Back-To-School Preparation

    How to Prepare Kids to Go Back to School Back-to-school season can induce a lot of anxiety and stress for parents and children, but it doesn’t have to. The family can prepare for the school year by communicating early and often, setting goals, creating a routine, and brushing up on skills. 1. Communicate Early and Often.  Start the conversation early about going back to school with your children. Ask them how they’re feeling about the upcoming school year. While most kids dread waking up to an alarm clock and spending eight hours in a classroom, they might have other worries they’re not telling you about. Make sure you address any concerns…