• I Earned It LLC

    7 Steps to Reach Your Goals Without Burning Out

    How to be successful when you feel like you can’t go on Burnout is often discussed in a professional setting. Still, burnout can also occur in your personal life, whether at home, school or when working towards a goal. You might be experiencing burnout if: Luckily, we have seven steps to combat burnout: 1. Recognize the symptoms of burnout. The first step to overcoming burnout is recognizing its symptoms. According to Helpguide.org, “Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.” Burnout can cause you to lose interest and motivation to accomplish even the simplest tasks. It can also make you feel alone, helpless, or…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    23 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2023

    As we make our way through the New Year, we’ve frequently discussed resolutions and improving our lives. The most popular goals for 2023, according to a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey, are improved mental health, improved fitness, losing weight, improved diet and improved finances. Check out our 23 ways to improve your life in 2023: General Tips 1. Become happier – While this is easier said than done, there are plenty of ways to improve your life to feel happier. Some great ways to become happier are spending more time with family and friends, relaxing, and helping others. 2. Better your future – You can better your future by finding ways to do what…

  • I Earned It LLC

    Why We’re Likely to Fail at Our New Year’s Resolutions

    9 Reasons Why Our New Year’s Resolutions Fail and How to Fix Them Last Friday, January 13, marked Quitter’s Day. Quitter’s Day is the unofficial holiday when most people drop their New Year’s Resolutions, which occurs on the second Friday of January. So, why do so many people give up on New Year’s Resolutions, and how can you be part of the 9% that achieves their resolutions? Here are nine common reasons for abandoning a New Year’s Resolution: 1. Lost motivation According to Insideoutmastery.com, “35% of people attribute losing motivation as the top reason for giving up.”  To combat loss of motivation, try incentivizing working towards your goals with rewards.…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    5 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

    How to keep up with your New Year’s Resolution when you want to give up Keeping your New Year’s Resolution can be quite the feat. It can be easy to lose your motivation, especially when life gets busy. But, according to Discover Happy Habits, 75% of people are still successful at keeping their New Year’s Resolution after one week. Lucky for you, we have tips for staying in that 75% and going beyond the second week of January. 1. Schedule it Prioritize your New Year’s Resolution by penciling it in on your calendar. After all, the best way to find the time to do something is to make the time…

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  • I Earned It LLC

    Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions and How to Achieve Them

    2023 is here! And with every new year comes a barrage of new goals to achieve. While picking your resolution, you might wonder what everyone else is doing and how they plan to achieve their New Year’s Resolution. You’re in luck; a survey conducted by Statista reveals the top five New Year’s Resolutions of 2023: And we’ll reveal how to achieve your New Year’s Resolution, no matter the goal. 1. Plan it out We all know creating plans can help keep us on track, but often we throw planning out the window, believing we can achieve our goals on our own. However, planning is a great way to evaluate how…

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