About Me

Kaleidoscope Kerry: My Journey to Who I am Today

I have always moved to the beat of my own drum, whether in my personal or academic life. Growing up, most kids were reading Harry Potter while I read Stephen King novels. I have always been uniquely enamored by the art of writing. It brings me so much joy and energy that I could compete with the Energizer Bunny. Writing isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s in my blood, and it’s an essential part of who I am. So, it should come as no surprise that I jumped at the opportunity to participate in a journalism mentorship in my eighth-grade year, which led me down a path of late nights furiously typing articles and loving every minute of it. I was honored to be a news editor, managing editor and editor-in-chief for the Pomona Perspective throughout my high school career. These positions instilled a deep passion for journalism within me.

Sitting down in the auditorium in the King Center during my freshman orientation, I could imagine what the next four years would hold for me: a journalism degree and a ton of reporting. As I moved through my courses at Metro, however, I found that my vision wasn’t exactly how my academic career would go. I developed a newfound love of public relations. I was torn between two worlds so similar, yet so far apart. I took my dilemma to my professor, Steve Krizman, who suggested I look into the IDP program and opened up a world of possibilities for me. A world where I could meld together my love for journalism and public relations and move fluidly between the two.

My individualized degree plan is a skillful combination of journalism, public relations and marketing courses to prepare me for fieldwork in any of these three careers. Therefore, the title I have chosen for my IDP is Individualized Studies: Media Relations and Public Affairs.

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